Adventures in Quilting

The projects and views of a new quilter.

Organized Workspace February 3, 2010

Filed under: Random Thoughts — Tonya @ 1:37 pm

As the final project of my long weekend and something LONG overdue, I organized.


Most of my projects were semi-organized…in plastic grocery bags or various other bags that I picked up along the way. My system obviously wasn’t the most sophisticated, but at least I kept each project together with the other contents. The only problem was that I would have to look in each bag to find the project I was looking for. I kept all of the bags in this huge nylon car trunk organizer (not pictured) that I found last year at Wal Mart. It worked very well for keeping all of my projects together, but I purchased the organizer for my trunk and was unable to find another one to actually keep in my trunk.


My mom talked about organizing her projects in plastics containers, and being a fan of plastic containers, I thought it was a good idea for myself, as well. It sure beat my current organization plan of bags in bags and sometimes in more bags. Besides, my desk was getting fairly cluttered, too.


Before Organization

BEFORE - I don't normally have everything piled up like this, but I wanted to show everything that I was organizing and putting away for the After pictures. Most of the bulk is fabric for different projects.


After Organization

AFTER - Everything from the Before pictures is put away. Most of the bulk was fabric, which I organized by project in the plastic containers under the work table.


It only took me an hour to organize everything, and I must say that I am quite proud of myself. I lean a bit toward the hoarding side in life, as I am seeing by watching Hoarders the past couple of months, though luckily not nearly as bad as most of the people on that show. However, one thing I have learned is that pretty much any hobby can make a normal person lean toward being a hoarder. Now I just need to organize everything else in my life like this!


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